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World Literature Assignment

Sample World Lit Assignment One

I have enclosed a sample world literature essay.
You could write to me at for more information.


Paper 1 - Sample Unseen Commentary with answer key

This document is aimed at giving students a better understanding of how to write their examination commentaries. 

Paper 2 - Study Questions


Yes, on popular demand, I have created some questions for you. Please do think through each question. 
Email me in case of any doubts at:


Approaches to Unseen Commentary

Study Skills - Paper 1 - Approaches to Unseen Commentary- 

Paper 1 - Unseen Commentary

Students of the IBDP must be already aware of the details of this paper and its weightage in the overall assessment. If you are unsure, make sure to read the "SUBJECT GUIDE".
In this segment, students are expected to write at least 4-5 A4 sides of commentary/analysis on an unseen ‘extract’, with a choice of poem or prose. Standard Level, unlike Higher Level students, are given a set of ‘guiding questions’ to help the student structure the commentary. 
I have started creating customized lessons in the form of *.pdf s that are free and accessible for viewing and downloading.
Hope they are useful.

Paper 1 - Unseen Commentary

Paper 1 - Unseen Commentary

Students of the IBDP must be already aware of the details of this paper and its weightage in the overall assessment. If you are unsure, make sure to read the "SUBJECT GUIDE".

In this segment, students are expected to write at least 4-5 A4 sides of commentary/analysis on an unseen 'extract' , with a choice of poem or prose. Standard Level, unlike Higher Level students,  are given a set of ‘guiding questions’ to help the student structure the commentary. 

I have started creating customized lessons in the form of *.pdf s that are free and accessible for  viewing and downloading.
Hope they are useful.
